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Pre-Order your KSK Icons tote bag and stickers here!

If you weren’t able to get your KSK icons tote bag at the Hoʻolauleʻa Country Store, you can pre-order your tote bag here!

Click on the Merch Store to get your bag and stickers!

This is a PRE-ORDER, meaning you will receive the estimated shipped date after the pre-order has closed. Your order is estimated to arrive around mid-April.

This pre-order will close on March 8, 2024, so please let anyone you share this pre-order with know that they’ll need to order by March 8th if they want to get their hands on this kiuke bag and the stickers!

*** While this bag is the same bag that sold out at the 2025 KSK Hoʻolauleʻa Country Store, please note that this is NOT a fundraiser for ATP and is NOT affiliated with or raising funds for Kamehameha Schools Kapālama.


We have an important update regarding your pre-order for the KSK Icons reusable shopping bag. We've had to make some changes to the bag design and wanted to be completely transparent about the reasons behind this.

We initially designed this bag as a way to celebrate the 100th Hoʻolauleʻa but were advised that the design could not be Hoʻolauleʻa specific and should not include the "100th anniversary" mark. We adhered to these guidelines. We then created the initial bag design to be one of the many Class of 2033's creations for their Country Store this year and attempted multiple times to make it clear that due to the guidelines, this design is the property of the designers. However the bag was later falsely advertised as the "exclusive 100th anniversary KSK ATP Hoʻolauleʻa shopping bag," which created a conflict with the original understanding with the school. 

We wanted to make this bag more available to the public because of the amazing reception we received from people who couldn't attend Hoʻolauleʻa and wanted a bag. Having received pushback of wanting to order more bags to be available at the event, we decided to launch the bag for those who weren't able to get one at the event. Because we wanted to show that our intent was never to personally profit off of this, we did share with others that proceeds would go towards the Class of 2033's Project Grad. Please note that this was never a fundraiser, and that the proceeds were meant to be given to the class as a donation to help avoid any potential issues with the organizations' non-profit status with fundraisers.

Unfortunately sometimes when you intend to do something good, others will continue to bring you down. Therefore we attempted to work with Kamehameha Schools to find a way that would hopefully benefit all of the classes, but due to unforeseen circumstances and evolving interpretations of school fundraising policies, we have been advised that we must let it be publicly known that proceeds cannot specifically go towards the Class of 2033's Project Grad at this time. 

Since we've encountered some challenges regarding the bag's association with Kamehameha Schools and ATP, to ensure full compliance with school policies and to avoid any potential misunderstandings, we have redesigned the bag. The updated design removes any direct association with Hoʻolauleʻa and Kamehameha Schools. Please see the updated version below. We believe this updated design still captures the spirit of community and Pauahi's legacy. (Design will not have the watermark.)

We understand that these changes may impact your decision to purchase the bag. Therefore, we are offering two options:

  1. Keep your order: If you are happy with the updated design and still wish to support us, your order will be fulfilled with the new design by mid-April.

  2. Cancel your order and receive a full refund for the bag: If you would prefer a refund due to the design changes, please let us know in our Google From by March 5th. We will process your refund promptly.

    Google Form Link

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. We appreciate your understanding and continued support, and please know that as parents of the Class of 2033, we will always support our class in ways that will comply with the school and ATP's guidelines every year until our kids graduate. 

We value your business and hope you will choose to continue this journey with us.

Mahalo nui,

Ruben & Kayla from C2C Graphics HI